Thursday, May 12, 2016


What can I say, but WOW!  This has been the adventure of a hundred lifetimes.  We have seen and done so many unbelievable things.
France was cultural, Spain was fun, Germany was pastoral and Italy was elegant.  In addition to those four countries we also spent time in Andorra, Austria, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Morroco and Switzerland.
When people ask us what our favorite thing was-- there's no way to settle on just one thing.  Every place had wonderful things to see, do and eat!
 It was so fun to go to the boulangerie in Paris, get a warm baguette and eat most of it on the way home.  Some of our favorites in France were spending the weekend with Michele's brother and family, seeing the Eiffel Tower (that never gets old), good wine and cheese, Normandy on D-day and of course chocolate.
In Spain we enjoyed meeting our neighbors from Glasgow and London, the daily street markets, fresh OJ from our local orange groves, the olive trees and the Gaudi.
Germany showed us cows!  We loved hearing the tinkling cowbells on the Bavarian hillsides, the Viehscheld, Oktoberfest, stenciled shutters and flower boxes, toboggans, gondolas and snow on the mountains.
Lake Como in Italy was breathtaking with the mountains and lakeside villages reflecting in the clear blue lake.  We loved our chef, Matteo cooking for us in his "PJs", old stone villages and castles.
We loved the ringing of bells in the old European churches everywhere we went.
I must say, "we loved it all"!
One unique thing, was the license plate on our car, it was RED and 98% of all the cars in Europe have white plates, so we did stand out.  We got lots of long curious looks (must be VIPs).  It means it's a leased car.  We did put some miles on that car--16,101 kilometers or 9910 miles in three months.  We were so grateful for our GPS--couldn't have done the trip without it.
Kudos and thank you, merci, gracias, danke and gratzi to my blog partner, my editor, proofreader, picture-placer, my beloved husband, Tom--my greatest supporter.  I could not have done my blog without his help.
I have truly enjoyed chronicling this journey, as my blog will be a detailed account of this marvelous adventure.  Thank you to all the readers.  I'm overwhelmed when I look at the blog stats.  In addition to family and friends, I've had thousands of readers from all around the world.
Thank you for taking the time to share our adventure.

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