Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Queen's Speech

Yesterday, we were near Westminster and there were lots of barricades stacked up.  We were curious but never found out what was going on.  This morning, I turned on the TV (first time since we arrived).  The BBC was talking about the Queen's Speech.  She was to travel from Buckingham Palace to the Palace of Westminster, for the opening of Parliament.

Oh, how I wished we could have been standing on the side of the road to see her pass by.  But we weren't even dressed, so no chance.  However, the BBC gave us a ringside seat!  We watched it live, and all the pictures are taken directly from the TV screen.  Even in the rain, the pageantry was brilliant and magic!

My apologies to the English, I do not know names or the protocol of this procession.  
First, the RoyalCrown arrives in it's own carriage and is presented to be displayed until the Queen arrives.

Then the Queen and Prince Phillip arrive, followed by Prince Charles and Camilla.

The Royalty retire to the robing room so the Queen can receive the crown and her robes.  The invitation from the Queen to Parliament is delivered by her representative and the process begins.
The Queen and Phillip enter, followed by Charles and Camilla.

The Speech is presented to the Queen and she reads it.

Following the conclusion, she and Phillip make their way out, followed by Charles and Camilla.

The royalty, the pagentry and the history are so beautifully British and we were very privileged to see it.
PS. Note the iconic Queen purse.  It matches her silver shoes!

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