Tuesday, October 22, 2013

On the Road to Reims

Monday October 21
Today, we drove to Reims, France.  The leaves are beginning to turn, it's fall.

We left beautiful Chamonix early this morning and got to Reims about 2pm.

Reims was founded by the Gauls around 80 BC. After Gaul was conquered by Julius Ceasar in 58-51 BC,  it became a major city during the period of the Roman Empire.  On May 7, 1945 General Eisenhower and the Allies received the unconditional surrender from the Germans in Reims.
We saw the Mars Gate, which was one of 4 Roman gates to the city walls built in the third or fourth century.

We toured the Cathedral Notre Dame of Reims.  The  cathedral is compared to Westminster Abbey in London because it's where all the kings of France were crowned.  Like most European churches, it is a magnificent structure.

The alter and stain glass windows were breathtaking.

It was a nice afternoon to walk around the square, but we had an appointment at Mumm's to tour the champagne facility.

The tour was though the man made caves where it's temperature controlled.

We saw where the champagne is stored and how the bottles are turned and pampered for anywhere from 6 months to seven years.

Julie, our guide was very knowledgeable  and gave us lots of information about champagne and answered all our questions.

Then to the tasting room.  We tried several, from the most basic to the most expensive.

Guess which we liked best?

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