Tuesday, October 1, 2013

From Mozart's house to Hitler's House

Karen Carpenter said, "Rainy days and Mondays always get her down".  Well, we weren't going to let this rainy Monday get us down.  We went to Salzburg, Austria!  What a beautiful old city.

Salzburg is all about "The Sound of Music".  We took the hop on/hop off  "Sound of Music" bus tour.

Salzburg was the home of the Von Trapp family and the setting for the stage play and the movie.  Forty years later, this town is still all about the movie-- of course it brought great notoriety to this city.

Almost every stop on the tour began with, "this is where Maria and the children...", but we loved it all.

We both loved the movie and we'd like to see it again.  We really enjoyed seeing the magnificent Mirabell Gardens and we even got to see Mozart's house.

After a light lunch in Salzburg, we set off for Berchtesgaden.  The fog was really setting in as we made our way to catch the bus--the only way up to the "Eagles Nest".

It's  1834 meters (6017 feet) above sea level.  It was completed in 1938 and presented to Hilter as a 50th birthday present.  Several thousand workers were involved in this mammoth construction project that took place under extreme conditions.  There were old historic pictures on the wall as you entered the house.

There are 5 tunnels through the mountain on the way up, a 124 meter (406 foot) access tunnel, and a 124 meter vertical tunnel (the elevator shaft) cut through rock for the brass-paneled lift.

At the top, our 120 mile view was obscured by clouds and fog, but we can say we've been there.

We can make the most of a rainy Monday, and we're grateful for a safe trip home in the fog and mist.

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