Wednesday, October 9, 2013

From Concert to Munich

Sunday, October 6th

Pat learned there was to be a free morning concert in the park close to our apartment.  We were in our seats around 10:15 and the concert started promptly at 10:30.  We were treated to the marvelous music of a German brass band.  What a delightful way to start our day.  The music lasted an hour and it was wonderful.

We had a light lunch in the plaza and headed out for a tobaggan ride.  Too bad,  the toboggans were closed due to the rain.  Well, the gondolas are still open.  We had a foggy ride up the mountain.

At the top--total fog, not much of a panoramic view.  But we always try to make the most of things, and would see beautiful hillside villages on the way down.

Sadly, we have to take our friends back to Munich, so they can make their way home.  We said our good-byes to Pat and Barbara and returned to Oberstaufen in the fog.

PS I wanted to mention all the apple orchards in the area.  We passed hundreds of acres on the way to the Island of Mainau.  The apples were ripe, beautiful and ready to pick.  The ones we tried were crisp and delicious.

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