Friday, October 4, 2013

Oktoberfest in Munich

Pat and Barbara, our friends from home, finished up their Italy tour and came to join us in Germany.  Early Thursday morning, Tom and I drove to Munich in the fog to meet them.  We were going to take in Oktoberfest.  We met Pat and Barbara in their hotel lobby and took off to see what we could find.

Fortunately, they had scouted things out the day before.  Pat knew we should take the subway for 2 stops and we were there.  Unbeknownst to us it was a holiday in Germany, so everyone went to Oktoberfest.  But crowds and weather don't bother us.  Wow!

There were sights and sounds to be seen and heard.  There was a midway where all the beer pavilions were located.

Each beer company had it's own area with giant indoor seating and a raised stage for the band.  We visited several of the pavilions just to see what they were like.

There were rides, games and fair food abounding.

We saw fish on a stick, cookies, pretzels and there was a little beer!

It was so fun to see the German people in their Bavarian dress.

Not everyone does the lederhosen proud!

We stopped for a yummy typical German lunch--and a little liquid refreshment.

We took another stroll through the midway among the crowd for some souvenirs and to see the horse drawn beer wagons.

The skies were blue, the weather was perfect and we all had a great time!

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