Sunday, September 15, 2013

Off to Oberstaufen

As usual, we got an early start out of Berlin.  We had a very enjoyable three day stay, but it was time to move on.  It rained on us for the entire drive, but even with a few slow downs, we made good time.
Tom could not have chosen a more beautiful place than here in Oberstaufen, Germany.

It is famous for it's cheese and dairy products.   It is also a hiking, biking and walking area in summer and a ski resort in winter.  Such an idealic little town.  There are flowers everywhere you look.

Did I say anything about all the great little shops?

We have a nice apartment here for the next four weeks.  Our view out our front door is of the beautiful hillsides and a few of our neighbors.

We got unpacked so we could explore the town.
We happened upon an umpa band in the town square, what a treat.

We got here just in time for the end of the Viehscheid  Festival.  A ceremonial cattle drive down from the alpine pastures into the valley.  The cows have been grazing on green lush grass high on the hills for 100 days and are brought down into the valley for winter. The locals dress in native costume and dress up the cows with floral wreaths and they all parade down Main Street.They say the cows really like it!

We found a grocery store for a few necessities and settled in for the evening.
I am here on a park bench in the middle of town.  Isn't  this a perfect place to write my blog!

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