Friday, September 27, 2013

Day Trip to Dornbirn

We took another day trip to a charming Austrian town.  Today it was Dornbirn.  We read where the city square had  comical architecture--but we didn't see anything comical, only charm.  There was a combining of the old and new.

The older buildings were especially elegant, with painting on the outside.

We couldn't figure out the "dead ladybug"--some kind of political statement, maybe.

We found a sign for Longhorn barbecue, sounds like a perfect lunch.

We sat down in the restaurant, but found out we were not at the barbecue place.  Oh well, we made do with a nice lunch of Austrian tapas and beer.  The beer was a local beer and we were sitting in the shadow of the brewery.  Talk about "fresh" beer!

We sat next to a couple from Vancouver, Canada.  They were in town to see their son play hockey for the Dornbirn team.  We really enjoyed visiting with them.  Another short stroll through the town square and then back home.  On the way home, we saw a herd of Axis deer next to a cow pasture.  "Let's all just get along"!

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