Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Lindau and Wangen

The last couple of days, we have visited two beautiful, quaint German towns.  On  Tuesday, we went to Lindau.  It sits right on Lake Constance--so you know it must be fabulous.  In fact it's called,  "The Jewel of Lake Constance."   There is a historic old town center and the harbor of Lindau.

We had a quick street lunch and took off to explore the town.  As we were walking by the harbor, a storm blew up very quickly.

The shopkeepers pulled in all their outside merchandise, the awnings were lowered, the wind blew fiercely, but as quickly as it came up, it blew through and blew away--no harm.  But it gave us time to duck into a pastry shop and find a treat and something for breakfast.  The storm did drop some snow on the mountain tops and added to the green of the valleys.  Just like a picture.

Today, Tom found us a street market.  We have been missing street markets!  It was in Wangen.  We put the info into the GPS, but didn't like "her" route, so we were on our own.  We didn't do too badly however, we found our way and a great parking place.  This market was mostly produce, but it was the best of the best.

There were flowers, wreaths (one made from hops!) and cheese.

We saw cabbages as big as basketballs, some "red carrots" and some mushrooms.

The old town is beautifully maintained and immaculately clean.

We read that the Fidelsbach Pub was famous for its meatloaf--so we gotta try, right!

The place was packed, but some kind Germans shared their table and we ordered the meatloaf.

It was good, but Tom says he still likes mine best.  He's so nice!

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