Tuesday, August 6, 2013

More to do in Los Alcazares

Last night we went back over to the plaza with all the restaurants and night life.  We enjoyed a yummy dinner at Bistro Heming-Way.  Esther was the owner and hostess.

Our dinner was delicious and generous, so we needed a walk.
Back through the vendors, with toys and trinkets for everyone.

Then back home to fall into bed.  They do keep later hours here.
This morning our day started with an hour walk on the promenade next to the Mediterranean.  We started out a litte earlier this morning and the beach was just waking up, except for the walkers, runners and bicyclists on the promenade, the beach was almost deserted.  Only a few hardy souls were bobbing around in the ocean for their early morning swim.  Then is was back to the apartment for a muffin and coffee and contemplate what the rest of the day would bring.
Tuesday is street market day in Los Alcarzes. Of course everyday is street market day in one of the little towns close by.

I think the markets here are a little more lively than in Paris.  Not as much meat and cheese, but lots of clothes, shoes, T-shirts, jewelry and of course lots of locally grown produce.  We couldn't  resist the local fare of nuts, dried apricots and dates.  We also had to have a T-shirt.

After returning to the apartment with our goods, we set about deciding about the rest of our day.  Post office was the first order, getting those post cards to the grand kids is a must!
We spotted the San Antiono restaurant on our walk this morning and having read about it earlier, we knew we wanted to try it.  The restaurant sits out on a pier in the bay with a great view of the ocean and the beach.

We each had a glass of Sangria and shared a seafood platter of anchovies, sardines, calamari and baby squid.  It was delicious.

Of course all that called for a siesta. We're becoming locals.

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