Saturday, August 10, 2013

A Normal Day

We began our day by walking in the cool, quiet calm of the morning along the promenade .  As we made our way to the promenade, it seemed like we would be the only ones, but when we got there many others had the same idea.

 There's a multitude of dog walkers, joggers, bike riders and walkers.

The street sweepers are out and the sand sweepers have already done their job.  Each morning the sand is smooth, foot-print free for a few minutes each day.

The volleyball nets were being put up for what looks like a weekend tournament.

We walked along and came upon the Fisherman's Monument.  Although tourism is the towns main support now, Los Alcazares was once a fishing village.  The Monument  respresents a fisherman after a hard days labor dragging an empty net.  Behind him are two mermaids riding seahorses and are saddened by the fisherman struggling in vain and help him by filling his net with fish.

After a quick trip back home to freshen up, we ran errands, then back to the plaza for a delicious lunch of tapas and white sangria at the Costa Cafe.  Debi was our server, a delightful person from  Birmingham (England not Alabama).  She has been here 2 years.

A little bit about the waters of Mar Menor  (the bay of Los Alcazares).   The waters are renowned for their chemical properties and are classified as medicinal. The high concentration of salt and iodine make for a therapeutic experience.  It is highly recommended in the cases of stress, rheumatic pains, sciatic, lumbago, and other conditions related to skin and joints.

Maybe we should just sit in the water all day!

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