Friday, August 21, 2020

Fishing in Yellowstone—Part II

 We had such high hopes for our fishing trip today.  

The first thing we saw when we entered the park was 3 or 4 Pronghorns.  

They were quite far away, but they were still fun to see.  

We retraced a few steps to see more unusual formations we missed before at the Terrace Steps.  

We covered the lower level earlier but we had not checked out the upper level.  

Back to the fishing.  Several places looked promising.  We parked the car as close as we could get to the Gardner River.

 After selecting the perfect spot, let the casting commence. 

 We worked this river, but no luck, moving on.

  Obsidian Creek looked like a good place to try.  There were other people fishing, so this has got to be a good spot. 

While we were fishing, we were approached by a park ranger.  She was on the other side of the creek from us.  She greeted us and asked how we had gotten to the side we were on.  We told her we came across the bridge.  She asked if we had fishing licenses.  Tom held them up as proof.  At first, she told him to come across the river so she could see them.  Then she relented, but also asked if we had barbs on our hooks.  Tom had taken care of that, too.  You have to flatten the barb, because it’s barbless fishing in the park.  Satisfied, she moved on.  So happy we follow the rules!
 Fishing, fishing, fishing but no luck.  

We not only pick the place for the possible fish but also for the picturesque views.
Time for lunch, thinking that might improve our chances.  

We moved on to the Gibbon River to find some fish.  Again, not to be.  It was fun to visit with other hopeful anglers about “ good spots.” We finally decided Yellowstone has been fished out, but we always have fun trying.  

One more sighting of this big guy walking beside the road, ok enough, maybe.  

We had seen a beautiful turquoise pool from the highway and went in hopes of getting a close up view.  

Couldn’t get too close, but got what we could.  One guy told us we would have to hike up the trail for a close up, not today.

It’s time to head back for a rest and dinner.

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