Monday, August 31, 2020

A Non-Fishing Trip

After a nice breakfast, we went to the Rogue Outdoor Shop to get our fishing licenses.  A very knowledgeable man named Steve was very helpful and ready to sell us some licenses.  He gave us a map with good fishing places circled.  So map in hand, we’re really to give it a try.  Tom readied the lines and we were set.    Cast after cast and nothing.  Tom decided to give fly fishing a try.  Cast after cast and nothing.  Two hours later, well, we tried.  

Back in the car and ready to leave, we spotted some wild blackberry bushes.  

We picked until we had a cup full. 

 At least we came away with something, not a lost day after all.  

We went back to the cliff overlooking the mouth of the river to watch the people fishing for salmon in boats.

It’s almost comical to watch all the boats jockeying for position in the “salmon parade.”  We watched the boats land at least 10 salmon in the short time we were there. 

We are looking forward to fishing with a guide on Thursday.  Can’t wait to be part of the parade!  Hoping to catch at least one big one.

The Mary D Hume was built in Gold Beach and launched in Gold Beach harbor in 1881.  It was a steam powered commercial vessel that served proudly for 97 years.  It was retired in 1978 and steamed into Gold Beach harbor under it’s own power and retired a few hundred feet from where it was launched.

This is what it looked like when it was retired. 

This is what it looks like today after it sank in 1985.
The Hume is on the “National Register of Historical Places”.


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