Monday, August 19, 2013

Food, Food, Food!

Saturday Evening

The next couple of posts are mainly about food and friends too, you see what's important.  Good food and good friends!  We did a taco dinner for our friends in Paris and wanted to do the same for our new friends here.  It was a little more of a challenge.  Old El Paso kinda let us down.  No taco shells!!  We tried every grocery store in a 15 mile radius, but we made it work.  Tom squeezed 30 fresh limes for margaritas and I fried corn tortillas for tacos, and we had dinner.
We invited our next door neighbors, Ian and Mary from Glasgow, Scotland.

Ina's sister, Jean, her husband, Max and their friend, Loretta from London joined us.  In honor of their new friends from Texas, Max showed up wearing a red deputy sheriff's hat he bought at the Chinese bazar on main street.

Ian and Mary and Max and Jean each have places here.  There are thousands of people here from the UK.  Lots are tourists, but many have taken up residence here.
We opened up our table to accommodate 7 and brought in chairs from outside.  It all worked.  We started with salsa, guacamole, chips and of course Tom's delicious margaritas.  The tacos worked out fine and we had a delightful evening getting to know our new friends better.

We had a a lively evening of food and conversation, and hopefully, a good time was had by all.

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