Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Mud Bath at Lo Pagan

I'd been hearing stories about a mud bath, but I thought it was in a spa setting.  Our friend, Loretta told me you go down to the beach and do it yourself.  Well, what could be easier than that?  Lo Pagan is the small village where the mud and salt flats are located.  Upon arriving at Lo Pagan you might see a strange and unusual sight.  What exactly are those black objects drying in the sun? People! People covered in black, smelly mud.  They know something about this foul smelling mud--it draws people from all over the world to Lo Pagan. The mud is very therapeutic and will cure lots of skin problems, plus it's  like an all over body facial.  My cardinal rule is, NO PHOTOS in a swim suit! However, vanity aside, this is too good not to show you.  We were told to look for the jetty and the windmill.

 Finding both, we secured a parking place and set off to find the mysterious mud.

We pass by people in various stages of applying and drying, what a sight.

Wooden platforms have been constructed leading to the best areas of mud and there are steps down to the water.

I had a pail and scoop for the mud.

I started applying the mud to all areas and Tom did my back. He opted to stay clean and photograph the procedure.

 After applying the jet black mud to all exposed areas, I let it dry in the sun. It turned a dark gray when dry and began to crack slightly.

When I was completely dry I went back into the water to wash off.

After a through rinse, we walked back down the promenade passed where the vendors used the palm trees to display their goods.

 I needed to get home for a much needed shower, but I'd do it all again.

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