Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Bidding Good-Bye to Gold Beach

Where has the time gone?  When we started this adventure 2 months ago, it looked like a long road ahead of us.  However, the time has flown. Of course, we had no idea we would be in the midst of a pandemic but we were not going to let that stop us.  In preparing for this trip, safety was foremost in our plans.  Tom began planning this trip almost a year ago mostly to make sure we could rent all the apartments, condos and houses we wanted.  

Each one has worked out very well, especially this one in Gold Beach. 

 It’s a beautiful  house with the most spectacular view. They call it the “Hilltop House” because it sits at the very top of Tom Cat Hill Road.   I’ll really miss walking out on the balcony and looking out over the Rogue River racing into the Pacific Ocean.  

This house has worked out so well for us.  With 5 bedrooms and 4 baths we had more then enough room for all our visitors.  

We are so grateful to Pat, Kay, Don, Vivian, Charles, Pennie, Brian, Jeff and Zeke for taking the giant leap of faith and joining us.  I think they all thought it was worth it.  

Fishing with John and his deck hand Donnette was certainly a highlight of this trip.  

There were lots of nice salmon caught even though some had to be thrown back since there were laws against keeping them.  We are still taking home lots of fish, 3 coolers full!  

Did I mention one I caught weighed 30 pounds?  

That was a thrill!  

Today was spent packing, cleaning and taking in last minute Gold Beach sights.  

Tomorrow we head for California as we slowly make our way back home.  We have to stop in the San Francisco area to visit with Brian (Tom’s son) and his family and then to the Los Angeles area to visit with Joanna (Tom’s daughter) and her family.  Then back to Dallas where my sons Bradley and Jamie and their families live.

Thank you to all the kind people we met here, you all have made this a wonderful month!

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