Saturday, September 10, 2016

Another Trip to Cernobbio, A Good-bye, and on to Chamonix Mont-Blanc

We had been to Villa D'Este in Cernobbio earlier in the week for a delightful lunch and look around the grounds.  Yesterday, we went back for a better look at the rest of the town.

We found a good parking place (even though we found out later, someone had sideswiped our car)!
This was a charming little town with lots of character.

We enjoyed checking out the shops, peeking down the side streets and enjoying a yummy gelato.


But it was time to go back and pack up.  Our trip is winding down, as Rick and Joy go to Rome, then back to Dallas and we go to Chamonix Mont-Blanc, Paris and home.  This morning, we took Rick and Joy to the train station in Milan and we headed for Chamonix.

It was sad to say good-bye to them.  They are great friends, we had a wonderful time and we will miss them.
Back on the road out of Milan we're on our way to the mountains.

There are lots of tunnels through the mountains in this region.  We passed through several and then came to the longest one of all.  It's 11611 meters long (that's 7 and 3/4 miles) and it took us more than 10 minutes to drive the length of it.

As soon as we were through the tunnel the glorious mountains rose before us.  Mont-Blanc stays snow covered year round, so majestic!

You can see the glacier on the left.

This is an awesome mountain resort.

When we were here 3 years ago and we had cheese fondue in the main square.  I was so looking forward to a repeat and it did not disappoint!

We even watched the hang-gliders like we did before.

This place is a favorite for sure.
Last time we tried to get into the Casino, but we didn't have our passports with us.

Today we did!  No table games like Tom prefers were open (I think only at night) but there were slot machines.  Oh well, we'll give them a try.  I put in €5 for 5 tries.  On number 3, I won €178.40!!!  Tom's turn, he put in €5 and won €20, we quit!!  Walked away winners!  Not bad for 15 minutes work.  We like Chamonix!

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