Sunday, September 4, 2016

And Now Lake Como

Saturday morning we left Cinque Terre and headed north for Lake Como.
We settled in nicely to our beautiful apartment at Colonno looking out over the lake.

It is a small town just south of Lenno on the west side of the lake.
After a trip to the grocery store we had a light snack for dinner on our terrace and finished the evening with a glass of limoncello.

The view is awesome but it has been somewhat hazy so far.

After a big breakfast Sunday morning we took off for the ferry at Menaggio to cross the lake to Varenna, where we stayed three years ago.

We retraced some steps from our previous trip to check things out and show Rick and Joy.
We found our previous apartment.
We were hoping Mateo, the chef would still be in business so we could have another fabulous dinner with him.  But, he had turned his place into a B&B and no longer did restaurant dinners, so sad.  We enjoyed a brief remembrance with him and went about our way.

We found the church we were familiar with just beyond our former apartment and took a quick look inside, just beautiful.

We went back down the mountainside in route to the Castello di Vezio, which we had visited before.  The castle dates back to the fourth century BC. It was used for defense of the city of Varenna.

Still spectacular, with the same "ghosts" as before.  Tourists volunteer to be wrapped in a wet white chalky medium which dries and makes a "ghost" like shell.

The Castle has a care and training center for birds of prey.  We loved seeing the birds and the panoramic view from the top.

We put ourselves and our car back on the ferry to Menaggio.

Now to find some lunch.  We were kinda late, it was just after 3pm so several places were closed.  We did find  a nice place and enjoyed our meal.
Today, we were doing some laundry.  In Italy you have to be careful not to overload the circuits--can't use the washing machine and air conditioning at the same time, or coffee maker and the hairdryer at the same time, but we are adapting.
Tonight we had a special treat.  Rick and Joy have a friend that is here at Lake Como, too!
Meredith and her boyfriend John came over to our apartment for a little wine and conversation,  we had a very nice time with them.

Tomorrow more exploring of the area.

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