Friday, October 18, 2013

Lost in Milano

The weather could not be more beautiful, a perfect fall day, 70 degrees, and not a cloud in the sky.
Our last day to explore the Northern Italy area, so we're off to Milan.  The GPS got us right to city center, we parked the car and we're on our own.  Now which way was that castle we saw as we were coming in?  We decided we should get a city map.  Today we couldn't even find the hop on/hop off bus, yikes!  Well, we can do this.  We set out to find the castle (the wrong way, oops!).  Finally we turned around, stopped for a cappuccino refreshment and took off in the right direction.
We found the beautiful old Basilica Santa Maria delle Grazie where Leonardo da Vinci's "Last Supper" is housed.

Unfortunately, you have to have reservations two weeks in advance to see it.  However, we did get to see many of da Vinci's original drawings.

He also painted the ceiling in the chapel where the drawings were displayed.

We did see a copy of the "Last Supper" posted outside the church.

Inspired, we set out to find the largest cathedral in the world, the Duomo of Milano.  And with a little help, we found it!  Wow!  Very impressive.

This is truly the most ornate church we've seen.  We toured the inside.

It's magnificent, from the tile floor, the stain-glass windows, to the alter.

Next we paid to take the elevator, not the 250 stairs, to the rooftop.  They are restoring parts of the spires and other areas of the church.

This was the closest view of the gold Madonna gracing the tallest spire.

Making our way back down, time for lunch.  We found a nice bistro for a sandwich and they had gelato.

Now, we are going to find that castle!  There were lots of people out enjoying the perfect blue  sky day.  Eureka!  The castle.  It's the Castello Sforzesco.

This magnificent structure was started in 1368 and then added onto and enlarged by each next resident.

We were intrigued by the interesting sculpture of the "needle and thread" by the train station as we walked back to the car.

We had a wonderful day in Milan, but we need to beat the afternoon traffic out of town, so we make our way back to Perledo and the apartment.

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