Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The Pacific Northwest 2020

 Even in a pandemic people are traveling, us included.  We saw so many RV’s, trains and of course 18 wheelers (though they were probably not vacationing).  

This trip was truly a once in a lifetime event.  Tom began planning this trip over a year ago and we could not think of not going, COVID-19 or not.  

From Dallas to Crested Butte, Colorado was a very long trip but it was the first leg and there was lots of excitement and anticipation.  We have been to Crested Butte several times and always love going there, especially to see our friends Pat and Kay and Don and Vivian.  We got to trout fish a little while we were there and I caught the only trout landed. We saw several animals including a magnificent buck, a rare sight for us.  

Salt Lake City, Utah showed us the Great Salt Lake and I can attest first hand, it is very salty! 

 The grounds of the Mormon church were absolutely beautiful and pristine clean.  

Driggs, Idaho was our base for trips to Jackson Hole, Wyoming and the Grand Tetons.  

Even though there were lots of tourists in Jackson, we all masked up and practiced social distancing and were able to enjoy this delightful town.  

The float trip down the Snake River was a true highlight.  

It was the perfect way to view the Grand Tetons and a few animals along the way.  

Yellowstone National Park was our next stop on this trip.  

A week was not enough time to see all that Yellowstone had to offer, but we made the most of it for sure.  With 10,000 geysers, you can’t see them all!  Old Faithful put on a spectacular water show that will not be forgotten, 

but my favorite will always be the bison!  

Those animals never fail to entertain and amaze.  We loved Yellowstone!  

We made some one night stops in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho and Leavenworth, Washington on our way to Seattle.  Leavenworth was a quaint little town patterned after a European Bavarian town.  

On to Seattle and a trip to the Space Needle.  

The height and panorama was thrilling with the magnificent views.  

The fun side of Seattle was Pike Place Market—truly something for everyone.  The very first Starbucks—

now that’s something everyone wants!  

Food, flowers, hats, clothing even fortune telling machines, we enjoyed every bit of it.  

But now for the centerpiece of the trip, Gold Beach, Oregon.  

The house was amazing, 

but the view was even better!  

Tom found the “Hilltop House”, where the Rogue River meets the Pacific Ocean.  We got to wake up to that incredible view each morning.  
The whole point of this trip was to go salmon fishing and we did!  Tom booked 7 trips with John the guide (and Donnette, his deck hand).  
Our friends Pat and Kay, Don and Vivian all got to fish.  

Pat landed a couple of nice ones.  

Tom’s brother and his wife Pennie were  able to join us for a week and a couple of fishing trips.  They also landed a nice fish. 

 There was a lot of boat riding during this kind of fishing, but when someone gets a bite it’s, “FISH ON” and excitement follows!  

Tom’s son, Brian and his friends Jeff and Zeke were able to come and fish with us.  

“Fish on” is always a thrill!  They got to catch several fish.
If we never get to do this again, I’m so glad we had this experience.  It was unquestionably a highlight of the trip. 

Also from the Gold Beach area we were able take day trips to the Redwood National Forest 

and Crater Lake, 

both unforgettable experiences.  The towering redwoods were breathtaking as was the pristine blue water of Crater Lake.  Both deserved more time.  Unfortunately, we were turned back a couple of times by smoke and fires in the area.  We were so pleased to see the gratitude shown by the people in the affected area with “thank you” signs, many hand made by children.  

This was just a fabulous trip and I’m grateful we got to experience this awesome part of our country.  Every place we stayed was very clean and comfortable.  We logged 8152 miles in our car!  Lots of driving,  but that meant we got to see lots of things that we would not have seen otherwise.  Even in a pandemic, the people were incredibly kind and helpful.  
True test to the human spirit.  

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Home Sweet Home

 Four states and 13 hours later we are home!  

We left Gallup, New Mexico around 7:30 am this morning.  This “Land of Enchantment” has enchanted us.  

We are constantly wowed by the unique mountains, mesas and land formations.  Tom says they should change the motto to “Land of Mesas.”  We drove all the way across New Mexico into Texas 

and then into Oklahoma 

and back into Texas and home.  

We were thrilled to finally make it back to Texas. We even saw the iconic “buried Cadillacs” outside of Amarillo.  

Our GPS routed us through Oklahoma City, so we added another state.  

So, after thousands of miles, many stops for gas,  incredible sights and an unbelievable trip, we are home.  Final wrap up to follow, when I’ve had a little rest.

Monday, October 5, 2020

A Travel Day From California—Arizona—New Mexico

We said a fond farewell to Jay, Joanna, Tommy and Josie. 

 The car was loaded and we were ready to take off early.  

I am a fan of license plates and I liked this California one, 

we should all take note. 

In fact, I’ve been watching license plates from all the states since we began this trip.  I’ve seen every state except five and I’m still looking for those.  I’ll let you know how it turns out.  

We made our way out of LA without any trouble at all, amazing!  

The landscape in Arizona was interesting and unusual with flowering cactus 

and rock formations.  

Here in Gallup, we are barely in New Mexico,

so more to come tomorrow as we head home to Dallas.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

A Great Day in Westlake Village

We woke up to a bright beautiful day here in Westlake Village.  

Joanna had to go to work this morning, because she works for a church and her services are needed during this pandemic.  The church where she works has started outside services and she has to check the people in.  

Pizza was chosen for lunch and several different variety were purchased to please everyone.  

The afternoon was full of artwork, with rock painting.  

Lots of creativity going on here. 

 Josie wanted to make a lemon meringue pie—so we did. And it was delicious!  

The evening was topped off by watching Mulan .  It’s been a great day in Westlake Village.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

California Kids Part II

 We left Hillsborough this morning and made our way to Westlake Village, CA.  That is the home of Tom’s daughter and family.  Jay, Joanna, Tommy and Josie plus dogs Jack and Pearl make up the family. 

 On our trip today we always enjoy seeing all the fields of crops that go on for over a hundred miles as far as the eye can see.

 and now the crop that’s taken over is grapes!  

Close to Santa Barbara we ran into some fog.  

Finally, we made it to Westlake Village!  

We were so happy to celebrate Jay’s 50th birthday with him.  
A great meal and a birthday celebration—what a nice day.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Last Day in Hillsborough

 It’s been a beautiful day in Hillsborough..  All the kids had school today—at home, on line, the new normal.  

Each one has their schedule to follow.  

After school it was craft time and a trip to Michael’s for supplies. 

 Tom and I had collected an abundance of flat rocks on the beach in Oregon, just right for painting.  

Caroline, Rebecca and I let our creative juices flow!  

In the mean time Tom and Brian prepared a delicious dinner.  

The weather was so nice we were able to eat outside. 

 It’s been a very special time in Hillsborough.