Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Home Sweet Home

 Four states and 13 hours later we are home!  

We left Gallup, New Mexico around 7:30 am this morning.  This “Land of Enchantment” has enchanted us.  

We are constantly wowed by the unique mountains, mesas and land formations.  Tom says they should change the motto to “Land of Mesas.”  We drove all the way across New Mexico into Texas 

and then into Oklahoma 

and back into Texas and home.  

We were thrilled to finally make it back to Texas. We even saw the iconic “buried Cadillacs” outside of Amarillo.  

Our GPS routed us through Oklahoma City, so we added another state.  

So, after thousands of miles, many stops for gas,  incredible sights and an unbelievable trip, we are home.  Final wrap up to follow, when I’ve had a little rest.

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